What are the Typical Stages of Kitchen, Bathroom and Flooring Remodeling?

Most homeowners consider remodeling to be a time-consuming and costly undertaking. However, in the end, it’s necessary to remodel your home every few years to give it a fresh new look.

The best way to tackle a remodel is by dividing it into stages. Luckily, here you will learn about the most common stages for remodeling the different spaces of your house! Of course, check out our blog if you want to learn more about this topic!

Remodeling Your Kitchen

A previous plan for your kitchen transformation can help you save time and money. It will also reduce stress as you will figure out each step in advance.

The first two phases are preparation. First, you should set a budget and choose the new cabinets and flooring. Then, you have to take out everything you are going to change.

After that, the order of the renovation should go as follows: plumbing and electrical matters, flooring and painting, cabinets, countertops, and, finally, doors and windows. This is the best order to plan a renovation, as it ensures you respect standard heights and will cut down on labor costs.

Remodeling Your Bathroom

A plan for a bathroom renovation is not that different from one for a kitchen. It’s essentially the same order, except that you have way more fixtures to install.

In this case, the following should be done in the following order: demolition, electrical and plumbing installation, vanity and tile installation, fixtures, and the finishing touches, such as the mirror. In order to choose the right vanity for you, you can check out the available ones here.

There is nothing more satisfying than having a bathroom with a modern look.

Flooring transformation

Flooring remodeling can be a bit trickier as it’s not as simple as it looks. DIY tutorials make it seem as though anyone can change a floor, but this is not the case. Hiring an expert ensures the installation will go flawlessly.

There are three key phases in this case. The first step is preparation, in which you choose the floor you want and take out the previous one, leaving the subfloor clean, flat, and dry.

Next, you are going to proceed with the installation itself. For this one, it’s essential to bring in a professional. While it might be more expensive, you’re paying for quality, and it will guarantee you have fewer issues in the future.

Finally, you have to take care of the finishing touches. This means installing baseboards, T-moldings, baby thresholds and any other elements you want to embellish your floors.

You should always call an expert when it comes to flooring.

As you can see, the better prepared you are, the easier remodeling will be. Carefully planning will save you a lot of time, money, and most importantly, stress!